will this count for last week's blog? hopefully? cuz i definitely forgot. and the REASON i forgot is because i was all wrapped up in this:

for rills tho, it was the most magical day of my life, besides my own wedding. which is a DANG GOOD THING because i poured so many hours and prayers into it the week before. i don't even know how to describe the joy i felt all day, or how magically beautiful the reception was! leave it to Grace to pull off the most fabulously vintage wedding of the year.
in other news, Adam went to Chicago for his final round interview with Sears and the verdict is....drumroll please....
this is sooooooooooooo exciting, it's the perfect job for him, i love Chicago...not to mention it pays really well ;) we are ecstatic. good thing we got it, because we might have some slit wrists on our hands otherwise...we've been planning like he already got an offer for a few months now. haha!! i always jump the gun.
all my procrastination because of exhaustion and wedding planning will bite me in the butt this week. i didn't get anything done this weekend. lets just say wedding+Castle+NZ reunion+THE alex ingersoll+contagion+too much food and not enough sleep=FUN but UNPRODUCTIVE weekend.
oh well! such is college. as the country song goes...i can sleep when i'm dead :)
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