
charity never faileth.

so, the weekend assignment for MCOM was to find someone more stressed than I am and help them out. this is a really awesome assignment, but there are two problems.

1. i am not that stressed out. don't worry, i am taking 18.5 credits and working and have a normal life, so there are DEFINITELY some stressors being thrown at me. but i've just decided that life is great and school isn't the most important thing. i have no doubt that i'm gonna graduate and...well frankly, C's get degrees. not that i'm aiming for C's, but the world won't end if i get a few.

2. I DON'T TALK TO ANYONE BUT MY HUSBAND. it's not that i'm one of those newly weds who is obsessed and can't live 5 minutes without a slimy wet one--no, no. i have a few friends like that and let me tell you, it's repulsive. i've just come to the realization that i don't actually think anyone else is as cool or funny or gets me like adam does, so i don't go out of my way to hang out with anyone else. plus, i'm busy.

HOWEVER, i still want to do this assignment because i have a few lofty personal christmas goals this year. things like 'feel charitable towards all God's children', 'put Christ as my priority', and 'fight poverty of the soul'. you know, all those things that get you eternal salvation, and such.

so this is my plan for the weekend assignment: tomorrow, after i go to the grocery store, i will be making treats and writing heartfelt notes to ladies in my ward who need a little lovin'.

side note: this is my fridge. there are 12 items here. one of them is a jar of jalapenos. good thing the in-laws live close.


  1. Haha I love number 2...I feel the same way! So funny. Good thing sometimes we talk to each other, because our husbands love each other.

  2. rachel i think you are the first person ever to comment on my blog!! you get a gold star. lets hang out soon, yeah?
