1. miraculous computer risen from the dead
adam and have a track record of our property miraculously fixing itself. exhibit A: last week my computer hard drive crashed. ITS A NEW(ish) COMPUTER! needless to say, i was a little frustrated. i waited a week, got all geared up to call HP, then turned my computer on and BAM! it was all better. PEACE AND BLESSINGS!! i'm a happy camper.
2. found out it's not my fault all my food is nasty.
most of the food i make is either way too spicy, way too bland, or burned to a crisp. or (most likely) i read the directions wrong. poor adam. not only am i starving him, but i'm also putting his hard-earned dollars straight down the garburator (urban dictionary it). but, last night, the beautiful Jani Crawley, who is a chef extraordinaire, told me her oven was almost 100 degrees off! we're neighbors, so clearly i can extrapolate this data to my situation. this is great news because it obviously means only 1/4 of the ruined food is my own fault. shhcore.
4. prank war. to the max.
our hilarious neighbors (the conks, cavanaughs, and allreds) have engaged us in an all-out prank war including tying doors shut, incessant snowballing (which is happening as we speak), water throwing, and covering doors in snow.
love it. so much.
5. potential marathoning in my future.
calm down everyone, i haven't committed yet. but i always knew i would run a marathon in college, and now college is basically over. say what?! so i think i'm just gonna do it. obstacle #1: should i eat ice cream or do sprint intervals tonight? haven't decided yet. i'll keep you posted.
so, that's my life. except there's some bad news. my tourette's is OFF THE HEEZY today. like...seriously. put me in a mental hospital.
here's a cute wedding photo, i know you were dying for one.